The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks

“I’d been thinking of her;  I’d committed myself to helping her with family responsibilities, I’d listened with interest whenever she spoke, and everything we discussed seemed new. I’d laughed at her jokes and held her as she’d cried, apologized for my faults, and showed her the affection she both needed and deserved. In other words, I’d been the man she’d always wanted, the man I once had been, and- like an old habit rediscovered- I now understood that it was all I ever needed to do for us to begin enjoying each other’s company again.”

After You by Jojo Moyes

“Do you know how long the hairs in his nostrils are? I’ll tell you! He could wipe his plate with them. For the last fifteen years, I’ve been the one telling the barber to give him a trim up there, you know? Like he’s some kind of child. Do I mind? No! Because that’s the way he is. He’s a human being! Nose hair and all! But if I dare not to be as smooth as a ruddy baby’s bottom he acts like I’ve turned into flipping Chewbacca!”

How to Love An American Man by Kristine Gasbarre

“Maybe if I started looking for what’s important in romance- not on the high degree of reckless abandon that a man triggers in me or how much fairy-tale effort is spent to facilitate our physiochemical interaction, but on the integrity and authenticity that a man brings to the table… then maybe I’d land lasting love the way my grandmother did.”

How to Love an American Man by Kristine Gasbarre

“She explains that when the right partner comes along for me, no, we won’t have serious conversations all the time, but when we do, I have to feel that he bears an impeccable capacity for hearing me- not just the words I speak, but the desires in life that radiate from inside me.  He’ll see all that, and he’ll choose it.  My hopes won’t be a threat or a turnoff; he won’t make me feel too high-maintenance or complex.  In turn I’ll prioritize his goals as if they were my own- and sometimes even more important than mine.  And, this will bring me some of the greatest fulfillment I’ll ever experience.”

The Blessings of Animals, Katrina Kittle

” ‘Why marry?’ she asked.  ‘Why risk it?’  Because, I wanted to tell her, when you got it right, it was the most liberating, inspiring state of being on the planet- a true partner in your corner, a mate who witnessed every aspect of your life.  But the flipside was so stabbingly evident: when you got it wrong, it was at best anesthetizing, at worst a splintering kick to the teeth.”

Drums of Autumn, Diana Gabaldon

“… but anger is as volatile as kersone- bottled under pressure, with no target on which to unleash it.  An unwary word of mine might be enough to trigger an explosion.  And if he exploded at me, I might either cry or go for his throat- my own mood was far from certain.”

Drums of Autumn, Diana Gabaldon

”  ‘Don’t go up on the roof in that!  That’s your good wollen shirt!’  He halted by the door, glared briefly at me, then, with rebuking expression of an early Christian martyr, laid down his tools, stripped off the shirt, dropped it on the floor, picked up the tools and strode majestically out to deal with the leak, buttocks clenched with determined zeal.”